I knew Richie from church back in the seventies/eighties. We grew our families together there. Dwight and I did the music, and Richie ended up running the sound. The church had two major splits and Richie and his family went with the second split. We stayed. As a musician, I was used by both church splits and ran into others from CFC frequently. Last time I went to Richie’s church with a friend, I ran into him on security duty. He paid his respects about Dwight’s death and I caught up about his family since his wife passed three years prior. That was it. Next time I saw him, it was at a mutual friend’s funeral from CFC. He was looking for a seat and noticed there was one in my row. He asked if we had an extra seat, and in checking with my girlfriend, she moved over one, so did I, and gave him the end seat. That, according to him, was where the magic began. He said that after that, he couldn’t stop thinking about me.
So, it must have been the Holy Spirit because after I sat next to Jan, something happened and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Every day I thought about her. I had a very blessed marriage for 52 years and I had loved my wife dearly. I was torn apart when she passed away, and for three years I felt the walls just closing in on me. I thought you get lucky once and that’s it. I had felt that I was destined to be single the rest of my life and resolved myself to that. I was the odd man out everywhere we went, even at hunting camp with my friends. I was encouraged to call Jan, but I was scared. How do I do that? It’s been so long. What if she says no? What if I am wasting my time and feelings?
After Dwight had passed in March, I just felt a peace and release. The Lord had provided me a young man that helped me with cutting the grass and other chores around the house. Many told me I would get married again, and I adamantly told them I wasn’t interested and had no desire to seek someone. I was very independent and could run my music business teaching, and my students provided the love I needed. BUT, I told the Lord…. IF you have other plans for me… I need to know this person, he HAS to be a Christian, he has to have the same moral standards as me, and I have to know I can trust him. He does NOT have to be a musician… but Lord, I need a landscaper, someone who knows how to plant things, I like military men… they are neat and disciplined and I like cowboys! 😁 There you have it. What are the chances?
Four months after the funeral, I get a text from Richie…Can I call you? I replied, Sure, but I am at dinner with a girlfriend and going to a church event after. Can you call tomorrow after 10 am? He called around 10:30. We chatted and he asked if I would like to join him at a dinner party at a friend’s house and then play a board game afterwards. WOW… a social life with other friends… I jumped on it. My place was in the opposite direction, so I volunteered to park at my music studio which was halfway there and he could pick me up. It worked. I asked him a ton of questions and he shared stories with me. We caught up on some things and went in for game night. He looked so scared and sad. I really felt bad for him. I knew he missed his wife. The ladies there then put me through the questioning test. The guys were in the other room. I knew a lot of the people they mentioned from church, including the pastor, and it was kind of fun. They were very kind to me and even set up a breakfast for Good Friday with the Christian Men’s meeting. I went the year prior too. “RICHIE, I HAVE A DATE FOR YOU FOR GOOD FRIDAY!” It was kind of funny. We met his two girls, and they remembered me from church. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of their faces.
We went to the Good Friday breakfast and had seven hours to waste until the Passion play at his church. I took him to a park with a waterfall that he had been to before. We talked and laughed and had gone out a few times in the meantime. When we got to the park, it had been about six weeks from the phone call, and we still had a very platonic relationship. It was a bit chilly and he was walking about four feet away from me. I thought to myself, this guy is very afraid of me, so I went and put my arm in his, and let’s just say he never let go. 😁 We talked and shared, and that night kind of let everyone know we were seeing each other. It was really kind of cute and funny because people who knew both of us never even considered us as a couple… INCLUDING THE PASTOR AND HIS WIFE. They were surprised the most. It was really funny!
That night when I left, he stole a kiss and a hug. The pastor takes his staff to Lancaster for four days after Easter church, so he was gone. We talked and prayed every night. I looked forward to his call each night. He came home on Thursday and I met him at his house before I left to teach. It was so good to see him. He gave me two wooden sayings he found and I left to go teach. He picked me up Friday morning to meet his nephew, but told me to sit down and close my eyes first. He presented me with a ring and asked me to marry him…and I said Yes! He said, When you know, you know! We were married 5 months later…Richie in jeans, a western jacket and cowboy boots, and me in a romantic western dress and cowboy boots. Now, Boot Barn opened a month later, and we got Richie an AWESOME cowboy hat. I love how our Lord puts all the pieces together and answers our deepest desires.
Oh by the way, did I mention that Richie was a landscaper and knows his plants? And is an Air Force Veteran! Only God!❤️

Watch a video of Jan and Richie sharing more of their resurrection story here:
"I Don't Want or Need Anybody...But God, If..."
by Jan & Richie, October 2024