Let’s pick up where we left off last week. I made a call to my primary doctor first thing Monday morning. The front office said there was an opening at 9:00. I’ll take it. ✅
A friend texted me asking how I was doing at 7:30, and could she take the kids to school. Well, perfect timing Holy Spirit. It allowed me to get to where I needed to be without any stress. ✅
Once I got to my primary, I made a call to my surgeon. ✅
My primary said, “I will get you a prescription, but you still need to see your surgeon.” ✅
“I already called and am now waiting to hear back. In the meantime, can you make my prescription for the Suffolk Walmart?” Then, I had the thought to see my physical therapy girl. So, I walked in and asked for her, and they said she had a cancelation at 10:30, and I had walked in at 10:23. ✅
I got to see her and she gave me some tips on how to proceed. She also confirmed this was not how I felt two months earlier, so to proceed finding the proper care. Next, I got a call from my surgeon’s office to come at 12:45. That gave me time to eat something and get my meds filled. ✅ Next up, the surgeon’s office. They took me back and said, “what’s all that?” It felt like I had an implant. They told me I needed an ultrasound, and then confirmed I had two swollen cysts and one was infected. So, they aspirated the one infected of 10 milliliters of fluid. And let me tell you, man, that hurts. ✅😳😰😭
She asked if we should do the other one, but my body said not today. Later on, I was beating myself up for not sticking it out while I was there, and woke up the next day to more pressure. So, I thought, I’ve got to go back. I was able to get back in and they took five milliliters out of the other cyst and four more milliliters out of the one from the day before. Thankfully, it didn’t hurt as bad. This procedure made me feel sad, and my body was crying out for it was sad too. When our bodies take a hit, we need to give it some extra tender loving care. So, a bath with Epson salt was on the list for my after-dinner self-care plan. ✅ As I informed some friends and family about this, I started to process more deeply. I’m thankful that all of this got accomplished in two days, and in the week of Thanksgiving might I add. It wasn’t fun, but hopeful it’s all done.
When we walk through things of unknown origin, it’s so mental, y’all. We Google. We stress. We worry and feel this unrest. I texted this to someone, and man did it hit: I’m surrendering my helplessness so I don’t pick up any hopelessness. That’s it!! Feeling helpless in the midst of our distress is part of our chronic dis-ease. The more I think about this, it’s actually a sign of distrust or misaligned trust. We worry for fear of the outcome, not trusting it could actually be better than any of our Google searches. Google is not God!! Let me say that again…. Google is not God!! When we feel helpless, we Google. And then if something feels true, we accept that it is true and then the hopelessness starts brewing. As I was Googling, I was almost convinced I had inflammatory cancer. It’s rare, but I had a lot of the symptoms, and it’s not a good prognosis. It could be mastitis, cellulitis, so many things, but I never thought it was a fluid filled cyst. Just because it feels true doesn’t mean it is. I later found out my doctor friend mentioned this to me on Saturday and I didn’t remember hearing it at all. So, you see, mental distress can cause us to not hear things clearly. This is where the Holy Spirit is so critical to our peace within. We need Him to guide us so we don’t dive into hopelessness again and again. Well, this has been a lesson for me here today. Check your stats with real facts!! ✅ 🙌🏼 We don’t battle alone y’all, for the Father is still on His throne!! The Father goes before us. He is fighting for us. We are on the winning side, and He will always help us along the ride. So, remember to just lean in and abide with a grin, for He will carry us through again and again. ☺️ He is our Hope. He is our Provider. He is our Protector. He is our Redeemer. He is our Healer. He is our Savior. So, as we come to the end of November, may we take some time to remember all the blessings bestowed on us even in the midst of our daily woes. This song has been giving me life the past couple of weeks, so let’s end with this here today: Red Rock Worship - https://youtu.be/bgi4Hw6QR8w?si=jUtxyqOgNQbE2xKA Praise God from whom all blessing flow…. Praise Him all creatures here below…. Praise Him above ye heavenly host….. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost….. AMEN! Until next time,
Keep gliding 🪁
Abiding 🙇🏼♀️
& Smiling 😁
#AStoryofDailySuffering #MyMendedHeart #Inthesendingcomesthemending