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Hear from others about Micah and The Widow Walk.


Keisha Deering:

“Micah Dillon and I met once I became an agent in 2013. Every time I have seen Micah or reached out to her, she has always been a positive inspiration to me even with going through her grief and pain. I think Micah has such a beautiful soul that loves our Father God and wants to do His bidding and be the beacon of light for anyone who may need some positive energy and guidance. Even when Micah is being tested, her faith is never wavering. “It's God’s plan.” Watching Micah handle many positions, I am in complete awe of how she is accomplishing everything that comes not only to her, but also her family’s way. You would not realize that Micah is doing most of the work by herself, but she does have some help. Micah, being a proud woman, accepts the help, but she doesn’t take advantage of the help that she is being offered. Micah Dillon is the type of person everyone needs in their life. I don’t believe we met by chance; I believe that there is a reason that our Father God led me to this real estate profession and to the company where we both work, Coldwell Banker Professional/Coldwell Banker NOW. I have learned from a distance how to be levelheaded, how to work through the pain, and to never give up because someone has it worse off than you and God never gives you more than you can handle. Although some of this may sound like a cliché, Micah is proof that it is more than a cliché, because she lives it every day with a shepherd’s heart.”


 Lindsay Lanier:

“I can honestly say the first time I ever met Micah I was a bit nervous. Maybe because I had just began my relationship with Christ. She put off such a strong vibe, one I was afraid of, or so I thought. Looking back, I know without a doubt it was her strong faith and connection with the Holy Spirit that made me feel that way. This ‘vibe’ was a strong one, and you could just feel the presence of the Father beaming from her.


“To be the age that she was losing a husband, becoming a single mother of two, battling with losing her voice, and most recently the ‘C’ word, her faith never wavered. The enemy has TRIED to silence her all while attempting to push her towards darkness. Micah has taught me a lot about walking in life with Christ at the forefront. I lived with many burdens, or ‘skeletons’ in my closet as some would say. I'll never forget the time she told me to let those skeletons out; they didn't have any room and weren't welcome there. She's exactly right. The longer we hold on to them, the longer they'll keep reminding you of your past every time you open that door.


“Micah is a woman on fire for the Lord, always stirring greatness in all she does. I read a blurb not long ago that stated ‘Learn to be INSPIRED not INTIMIDATED.’ Maybe I was slightly intimidated when first meeting Micah. Not only does she have a stunningly gorgeous shell, but her heart is pure and full of so much inspiration. She's never allowed what she has been through to determine who she is or WHO she sets her eyes on.


“A song by Francesca Battistelli sums up Micah's battles. She lives without fear of the enemy because the Father has her held tight and leads her steps. These lyrics laid on my heart made me instantly think of her:


Fear, you don't own me

There ain't no room in this story

And I ain't got time for you

Telling me what I'm not

Like you know me well guess what?

I know who I am

I know I'm strong

And I am free

Got my own identity

So fear, you will never be welcome here


Also, another song that hit me was God Be the Glory by We Are Messengers. I encourage you to listen to this song, put it on repeat if you will. 


Micah, keep your cup on overflow. You never know who you are inspiring." 🥰

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